Now, take a moment to enjoy my point of view!

A LoveSac Love Story

My client wanted blue.  A bunk room we would do. But I just wasn’t sold On boring. “Let’s go bold!” So we planned to add some greens. In the playroom made for teens. Client said “Let’s use the bean bags, purchased long ago.” I saw them. Tired. Drab. Old grey. “Please, no.” I was very […]

The Super Big TV Debate

If this weekend has you at odds with your spouse over the layout of your living room, you may not be alone. One of you is likely ravin’ about the 49” monstrosity at Best Buy that they want to purchase and hang above the fireplace.  While other spouse complains that they simply want the lion-share of the comfy couch, I can […]

A Thankful Post

I am thankful for college kids who study hard and are excited to come home for the weekend, my husband, who makes the very best rolls, a son who memorized that roll recipe when he was eight, another son who was excited about new napkins to set a beautiful table with my grandma’s china and […]


Do you ever have weeks when it feels like you are sinking? Sometimes it’s hard to tell if we are sinking or building a strong foundation. Right now I have several projects that are moving slower than I would like and that can feel discouraging. But take a look at these pictures! Believe it or […]

A Big Change!

From a dark and spooky hall-o-way to a focus of gratitude. -paint woodwork a brighter white -re-stain dreary banisters -add fun colored wallpaper -remove creepy pinecones -change out Haunted Mansion sconces -replace dreary chandelier with modern alternative -hang family photos that elicit positive emotions