A LoveSac Love Story

My client wanted blue. 

A bunk room we would do.

But I just wasn’t sold

On boring. “Let’s go bold!”

So we planned to add some greens.

In the playroom made for teens.

Client said “Let’s use the bean bags, purchased long ago.”

I saw them. Tired. Drab. Old grey. “Please, no.”

I was very unconvinced, but headed to the LoveSac Store.

I wanted custom seating– real sofas, fancy chairs.

They showed me options: fabrics, textures, colors, more.

I shared my plans and reluctantly, I heard theirs.

I was surprised, even impressed.

With custom LoveSacs and the rest.

I had in mind a room for teens 

To sit in comfort and stare at screens.

I planned for eating, scrolling and a game table,

Improved the floor plan and was able

To add four beds; two are trundles.

Then LoveSac helped me add some bundles.

Pillows! and “Footsac!” (blankets that wrap your feet

In a cozy foot blanket that can’t be beat).

Then let’s add more pillows, square and lumbar.

The quality—great! Fancy, not sub-par.

We updated the TV with cool apps and lights—

Perfect for ambiance and even late nights.

Now teens have a place to hang out and relax.

My client is in love with their new LoveSacs.

And guess what? I must say…

LoveSac saved the day.

My client is happy with how they sit.

I am happy with how they fit

the feel of the room—it’s relaxed and cozy.

So now, just one thought for you… (Yes, I’ll be nosy!)

Are ya’ ready? A LoveSac love story’s for the not-faint-hearted.

Give E Squared a call. And let’s get started!


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